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Alena Bodnar

Apr 13, 2023 • FIRE

Living Large or Retiring Lean? Contrasting FAT FIRE and FIRE for Early Retirement

From thrifty to lavish - if you can afford it

Living Large or Retiring Lean? Contrasting FAT FIRE and FIRE for Early Retirement

So, what exactly is FAT FIRE? While FIRE focuses on achieving financial independence and early retirement with a minimalist or frugal lifestyle, FAT FIRE takes a different approach. It's all about maintaining a higher level of spending and enjoying a more lavish lifestyle during retirement. With FAT FIRE, you have a bigger budget to indulge in your passions, travel in luxury, dine in fine restaurants, and live your dreams without financial constraints.

One key difference between FAT FIRE and FIRE is the amount of money needed to achieve financial independence. While the typical target for FIRE is to save 25-30 times your annual expenses, FAT FIRE generally requires a larger nest egg. It's not uncommon for those pursuing FAT FIRE to aim for 30-40 times their annual expenses, or even more, to support their desired lifestyle during retirement.

Another aspect to consider in FAT FIRE is the withdrawal rate from your savings portfolio. FIRE often advocates for a withdrawal rate of 3-4% per year to ensure that your savings last throughout your retirement. However, with FAT FIRE, due to the higher spending levels, a more conservative withdrawal rate may be advisable. Many experts recommend a withdrawal rate of 3% or even lower to ensure that the larger lifestyle expenses can be sustained over a longer retirement period.

While FIRE is often associated with retiring in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, FAT FIRE may take longer to achieve. The larger lifestyle and spending flexibility of FAT FIRE may require more years of saving and investing to accumulate the necessary funds. However, this longer timeline can also offer more time to enjoy a fulfilling career, build a substantial nest egg, and still retire earlier compared to traditional retirement age.

One of the similarities between FAT FIRE and FIRE is the emphasis on saving, investing, and managing expenses. Both movements require a disciplined approach to personal finance, such as maximizing savings, minimizing debt, and investing wisely to grow wealth. They also prioritize living below your means, being intentional with spending, and making strategic financial choices to achieve long-term financial goals.

However, where FAT FIRE stands out is in the spending aspect. It allows for a more indulgent lifestyle, including luxury vacations, high-end dining, and other indulgences. This can be appealing to those who enjoy a more lavish lifestyle and are willing to work longer or save more aggressively to support it during retirement.

FAT FIRE offers a unique approach to achieving financial independence and early retirement with a larger budget for a more extravagant lifestyle. While it requires a higher level of savings and investing, it can provide the freedom to enjoy a more luxurious retirement. On the other hand, FIRE focuses on a leaner budget and retiring earlier with a minimalist lifestyle. Both movements emphasize financial discipline and intentional choices to achieve long-term financial goals. Ultimately, the choice between FAT FIRE and FIRE depends on your personal values, lifestyle preferences, and financial aspirations. So, whether you're dreaming of living large or pursuing a more minimalist retirement, the key is to plan, save, invest wisely, and align your financial goals with your desired lifestyle. After all, the journey towards financial independence and early retirement should be tailored to your unique needs and priorities.

In summary, FAT FIRE is all about retiring in style with a more indulgent lifestyle, requiring a larger nest egg, a more conservative withdrawal rate, and potentially a longer timeline to achieve. Meanwhile, FIRE focuses on retiring early with a leaner budget and a minimalist lifestyle. Both movements emphasize financial discipline and intentional choices to achieve financial independence. The choice between FAT FIRE and FIRE ultimately depends on your personal preferences and financial goals. So, whether you aspire to live large or embrace a frugal lifestyle, the key is to align your financial plan with your desired retirement lifestyle and take steps towards achieving your financial goals with mindful planning and disciplined saving and investing. Happy FIRE-ing!


FAT FIRE is a movement that promotes early retirement with a larger budget for a more extravagant lifestyle, requiring a higher level of savings and a more conservative withdrawal rate. It contrasts with FIRE, which focuses on retiring early with a leaner budget and minimalist lifestyle. Both movements emphasize financial discipline and intentional choices to achieve financial independence, and the choice between them depends on personal preferences and financial goals.

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