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Frank Skeates

Apr 20, 2023 • UBI

UBI Uncovered: Surprising Side Effects You Might Not Know About

Covering the Potential Economic and Individual Side Effects of UBI

UBI Uncovered: Surprising Side Effects You Might Not Know About

In my previous article, Will Universal Basic Income Make People Lazy?, I tackled the myth that UBI would turn recipients into professional couch potatoes. Now, I want to share my personal thoughts on the potential economic and individual side effects of UBI. While I recognize that many proponents argue that UBI can be a game-changer in the fight against poverty, I believe it's essential to consider the potential drawbacks and unintended consequences. So, let's dive into my take on the flip side of the UBI coin!

The Economic Side Effects of UBI

1. Inflation: One concern I have with UBI is the potential for inflation, as an influx of money into the economy could lead to higher prices for goods and services. For instance, if everyone suddenly has an extra $1,000 per month, landlords might be tempted to raise rents, knowing their tenants can now afford it. As someone who has lived in high-rent cities, this scenario worries me. However, I also acknowledge that the extent to which UBI would contribute to inflation remains unclear and could depend on factors such as the overall state of the economy and the structure of the UBI program.

2. Labor Market Distortions: Another issue that I can't help but think about is how UBI could lead to labor market distortions. For example, if people can rely on a basic income, they might be less inclined to accept low-paying or undesirable jobs. While this could lead to better working conditions and higher wages for some positions, it could also result in labor shortages in crucial industries, such as agriculture or elder care. My grandmother, who relied on in-home care for years, comes to mind when I consider this potential drawback.

3. Funding Challenges: As someone who keeps a close eye on my finances, I can't help but wonder how we would pay for UBI. Implementing UBI is not a cheap endeavor, and finding the funds to finance the program can be a significant challenge. Critics argue that raising taxes or reallocating funds from existing welfare programs could have negative economic consequences or leave vulnerable populations without essential support.

The Individual Side Effects of UBI

1. Disincentive to Work: While I've argued against the "lazy" narrative before, I still think it's essential to consider whether UBI could create a disincentive for some individuals to work. If the basic income is too generous, it could lead to a decrease in labor force participation, as people might choose not to work if their basic needs are already met. I know I'd be tempted to take a break from work if I had a guaranteed income!

2. Stigma and Social Division: As someone who values social harmony, I worry that UBI could potentially create stigma and social divisions. While UBI is intended to be universal, there's a risk that recipients could still face social stigma, particularly if they're perceived as not contributing to society. This could lead to social divisions and resentment between those who work and those who rely solely on UBI.

3. Dependence on UBI: One concern that resonates with me is the possibility that some people could become overly reliant on the income from UBI and not actively seek out additional income sources or strive for self-improvement. This could lead to a cycle of dependency, which could be detrimental to both individuals and society as a whole.

Reflecting on UBI

As I continue to explore the potential impact of Universal Basic Income, I believe it's essential to consider both the potential benefits and the possible negative side effects. Understanding these complexities helps me make more informed opinions about whether and how to implement UBI programs in the future. By critically examining UBI from all angles, including sharing my personal thoughts and experiences, I hope to contribute to the ongoing conversation about its potential role in addressing the socio-economic challenges of our time.

It's important for all of us to engage in this dialogue, as the decisions we make today could significantly impact future generations. I encourage you to share your perspectives, too, whether you're a fervent UBI advocate or a staunch skeptic. After all, the more diverse our viewpoints, the more likely we are to find the most effective and balanced solutions to the problems we face.

So, let's keep the conversation going, discuss our concerns, share our hopes, and work together to shape the future of UBI and the world at large. Because, in the end, our collective wisdom and insight will be the driving force behind the socio-economic changes we want to see.

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